School of Documentary Film 2012/2013

School of Documentary Film 2012/2013 was held from November 17 th 2012 to February 3rd 2013 in Zagreb. The programme is carried out at the Zagreb Centre for Independent Culture and Youth – POGON and in the premises of the MAMA culture club.

The School was attended by 11 participants who mastered all the expertise necessary to successfully produce a documentary film.


Main mentors and lecturers:

  • Nebojša Slijepčević                                                                                                              
  • Ana Hušman                                                                                                                    
  • Oliver Sertić                                                                                                                          
  • Igor Bezinović

Guest lecturers:

  • Dinka Radonić
  • Davor Tatić
  • Vanja Jambrović
  • Vladimir Gojun

Other lecturers:

  • Srđan Keča (Serbia)                                                                                                              
  • Min-Chul-Kim (South Korea)                                                                                             
  • Boris Mitić (Serbia)                                                                                                               
  • John Appel (Netherlands)                                                                                                 
  • Siniša Juričić (Croatia)                                                                                                 
  • Milena Petrović (Netherlands/Serbia)

Each of the eleven participants made:

  • one work in the form of still photographs with sound
  • 3 minute short film on theme “space / person / object”
  • preparation, research and most of the production (filming, editing) for their short doucmentary film

Blanka AščićŠime, 6:20
Matija Drniković  – Prolaz, 6:12
Petra IvšićPatrik, 13:11
Luka JančićDugy, 6:43
Nina MartinušSkretnica, 11:12
Bruna NedoklanKolodvorski preludij, 10:00
Matija Penezić – još nije završio film
Cvijeta Franka ŠkarićFotograf, 9:42
Anja StrelecStarci, 22:22
Darovan TušekŽivko, ja i magla, 18:20
Nina ViganLucija, 7:12

All films were placed on Vimeo page:


Petra Ivšić – Patrik


Bruna Nedoklan – Kolodvorski preludij


Cvijeta Franka Škarić – Fotograf


Blanka Aščić – Šime


Nina Vigan – Lucija


Luka Jancic – (radna verzija) Dugy


Cvijeta F. Skarić – Generacija


Darovan Tušek – Sunce


Darovan Tušek – Skela